Once a child is standing and trying to pull themselves along furniture that is a good indication that they are ready for prewalkers.
We recommend prewalkers if you have tiles or wooden floors as a child tends to slip and slide in socks, prewalkers give them a grip which gives them more confidence and they can walk outside in prewalkers too.
Children need to be measured for prewalkers as they come in width fittings and half sizes.
If you come instore we would recommend if a child is ready for prewalkers or first shoes.
We recommend prewalkers if you have tiles or wooden floors as a child tends to slip and slide in socks, prewalkers give them a grip which gives them more confidence and they can walk outside in prewalkers too.
Children need to be measured for prewalkers as they come in width fittings and half sizes.
If you come instore we would recommend if a child is ready for prewalkers or first shoes.